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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

 This passage occurs in the Revised Common Lectionary, Year A, most recently Oct 18, 2020.

Summary:  Paul begins his letter to the Thessalonians with a strong note of Thanksgiving.  It is interesting to note that Paul gives thanks for the people in Thessaloniki and how God is at work among them.  We are used to giving God thanks for nature or perhaps things, but here Paul practices gratitude for other humans!  God is alive, Paul radically claims, and lives through, in, with and under the people.

Key Word

ευχαριστουμεν ("give thanks", 1.2)  Paul begins his letter as he begins and ends so many letters -- in thanksgiving to God!  It is a helpful and humbling reminder that even in times of trial, we are called and inspired to give thanks!

εργο(ν) της πιστεως (work of faith, 1.3)
κοπο(ς) της αγαπης (labor of love, 1.3)
υπομονη της ελπιδος (endurance of hope, 1.3)

A couple of notes.  First, the trifecta of faith, hope and love is also famously part of 1 Corinthians 13.  Second, all of these examples are in the genitive, meaning that the relationship between the two words must be interpreted by the reader.  I would argue for a subjective genitive, where the thing in the genitive is the subject:  faith's work, love's labor, hope's endurance.  Or perhaps more of a source genitive -- work from faith, labor from love, endurance from hope.

εκλογνη ("elect", 1.4)  What is translated as a verb "elect"  is actually a noun. It simply reads, "knowing, under the circumstance that you are loved by God, your election." The election here is not about politics, but about God's choice to love us and work through us.

δυναμει ("power", 1.5)  The word "power" here is "dynamis." This word comes into English as dynamite!  It can mean miracles when used in the plural, but in the singular it means power.  Power for Paul, especially in Corinthians and Philippians relates to the power of the resurrection and faith working in us to endure difficult times. The power is displayed in the basic miracle that we believe! (1 Cor 2:5) 

εξηχηται ("go forth", 1.8)  The word for sound forth is "ex-echeo-mai"  Notice the word echo in the middle! Their faith is echoing all over Europe, both the Northern part (Macedonia) and the Southern part (Achaia)

θε(ος) ζωντι (living God, 1.9)  This is a nice participle in Greek -- living! It is in the dative because it describes the word "God" which in this case is also in the dative.  

But the significant thing is that God is alive.  We do not worship a historical fact, we worship and serve the living Lord!

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