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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Romans 13:8-14

This passage occurs in the Revised Common Lectionary, Year A, most recently September 6, 2020.

Summary:  These words brought about the conversion of St. Augustine.  May they also bring about the constant renewal of us and our flocks as well!  I think Romans 12 is more exquisite poetry than Romans 13, but this passage still packs some punch, especially the later verses!  Ultimately, I think this needs to be read in context of Romans 12-14 and Paul's real world ethics, lest it become interpreted as anti-life-on-earth.

Some words and phrases I've pondered:
νόμον πεπλήρωκεν (fulfilled the law, 13:8)   Here Paul uses the word fulfilled (πληρόω) and the law (νόμος)...Paul also uses the words together in 8:4 in conjunction with the Spirit's work in us. In fact, Paul uses these words together in Galatians 5:14; the translations there say the law is "summed up" in this one command. 

One more note -- the word fulfilled here is in the perfect tense, which means that there is nothing more that has to be done, that is completely finished and remains finished. 

ἀνακεφαλαιοῦται ("summed up", 13:9)  Big word!! Literally again-headed or recapitulate. It means bring or sum together. It is the word that Paul uses in Ephesians to talk about how things were summed up and brought together in Christ. Here is Romans Paul does not say all things are summed together in Christ. Instead he uses indicates that all the commandments are summed up in this Word (λόγος; it is not commandment).  Paul is elevating this commandment to a transcendent level -- it is not a Jewish custom we can avoid, but it is our life's aim to fulfill.

εὐσχημόνως (euschem-onoos, meaning "proper", 13:13)  Interestingly, the word here for "live honorably," contains the root word "scheme."  That root word -- scheme -- is the word we heard in Romans 12:2, not to be conformed to the scheme of this world.  Now we hear about how to be properly conformed, namely, to put on Christ!

ὅπλα τοῦ φωτός (armor of light, 13:12)  While Paul will refer to the idea of armor elsewhere, what is really powerful here is that Paul connected the armor of light with Jesus Christ.  In verse 12 we are told to put on the armor...we discover what this armor is as we are told to put on Jesus Christ!

κώμοις (κῶμος, "revelry", 13:13) This word originally meant the festal procession in honor of Dionysus and then become a meal or banquet (BDAG) but with connotation of excessive drinking, feasting and perhaps sex. (Louw and Nida).  The other word for drunkenness is more straight forward :-)  (μέθαις)

κοίταις (κοίτη, "bed" or sex", 13:13)  This is a strange word in that it literally means "bedding"; is Paul simply referring to all sexual activity?  Paul puts these words in three sets of pairs:  Not A nor B; Not C nor D; Not E nor F.  In this way, this word needs to be translated by looking at "ἀσελγείαις" which BDAG translates as "lack of self-constraint which involves one in conduct that violates all bounds of what is socially acceptable." This is not simply marital sex, but sex that is licentious, etc.  To what extent is Paul suggesting limits on sex within marriage?   Tough question!

ἔριδι (ἔρις, "quarreling", 13:13)  Paul here employs a word that means excessive quarreling; he pairs this with jealousy "ζήλῳ"   Makes one wonder about the connection between these two words; it is also fitting to hear this in the year of a Presidential election...  But how does one take up Christ, disagree wit someone and yet avoid excessive quarreling?

σάρξ ("flesh", 13:14)  It is worth reflecting.  Is Paul saying that pleasure is itself a bad thing?  Paul seems to lean heavily into a piety that is anti-flesh in 13:13.  Yet Paul calls us to love our neighbor in earthly ways, both in terms of how we relate to our fellow citizens (Romans 13) and our fellow Christians (Romans 12 and 14).  While Paul may push uncomfortably against the body for our modern ears, this does not grow out of an anti-earth or anti-human construct, but an anti-self-satisfaction mentality.

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